Student Experience
Welcome to the interactive student experience! Start by watching the Overview videos below, then select a grade level and Learning Activity to begin your personalized demo.
My Math Academy Overview Video
My Reading Academy Overview Video
Pre-Kindergarten Math Activities
Numeral Recognition, Count Sequences, Counting and Cardinality
Kindergarten Math Activities
Count Sequences, Counting and Cardinality, Addition Concepts, Composing Numbers, Subtraction Concepts.
1st Grade Math Activities
Plot Numbers on a Number Line, Hundred Chart, Make 10, Represent and Write Subtraction Number Sentences, Part-Part-Whole Addition.
2nd Grade Math Activities
Place Value, Addition and Subtraction with Base Ten Blocks
3rd Grade Math Activities
Rounding Numbers
4th Grade Math Activities
Multiplicative Comparisons
5th Grade Math Activities
Multilingual and Emergent Bilingual Learners
Count Sequence, Counting and Cardinality, Hundred Chart
Pre-Kindergarten Reading Activities
Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Concepts of Print
Kindergarten Reading Activities
1ST Grade Reading Activities
2ND Grade Reading Activities
Phonics, Vocabulary, Comprehension
3RD Grade Reading Activities
Word Study, Comprehension
4th Grade Reading Activities
Vocabulary, Comprehension
5th Grade Reading Activities
Morphology, Comprehension