
The Age of Learning Blog connects and inspires educators, families, and caregivers, offering insights and resources to support children’s learning and development. Together, we’re transforming education for a brighter future.

Age of Learning has expanded its relationship with Digital Promise, a leading nonprofit created to spur innovation in education and improve opportunities for learners. We are thrilled to partner...

September 23, 2021: Since Age of Learning was founded 14 years ago, we have been proud to call the City...

It’s been a short but incredibly successful three-month journey for our Age of Learning’s Schools Solutions and My Math Academy....

The Foundation will accelerate and expand initiatives to improve education for underserved children throughout the world...

We’ve been quietly (and successfully!) rolling out My Math Academy—our new personalized, adaptive math program for pre-K through second grade—in schools...

Teachers, principals, and administrators—if you’re looking for new strategies to support your learners, Age of Learning’s new Schools Division invites you to join...

In the U.S., four out of five teachers report a significant range in student math abilities in their classroom, and...

Round marks the largest-ever raise by a U.S. edtech company Age of Learning’s ABCmouse is the #1 digital education program...

My Math Academy provides a proven personalized approach that identifies and addresses learning gaps to accelerate learning. We are thrilled to...

Ministry of Public Education (MEP) in Costa Rica endorses the ABCmouse Aprende Ingles program for English language instruction throughout the country. Families...