My Reading Academy Español pre-K through 2nd grade is an authentic, culturally relevant literacy program designed  to help accelerate Spanish reading fluency.

Ideal for bilingual classrooms, including dual language and Spanish immersion programs!


Grounded in the Science of Reading

No matter what language a student is learning, research shows that instruction in word recognition and language comprehension leads to reading fluency.

Tailored for Success

Powered by an evidence-based Knowledge Map and patented technology, every student receives a personalized path to becoming a fluent, confident reader.


Supports Biliteracy Instruction

My Reading Academy Español respects the unique linguistic structures of English and Spanish, fostering a space where every child can celebrate their language and identity.

Real-Time Dashboards, Actionable Insights

Dynamic Dashboards enable educators to take immediate action to support each student’s progress toward mastery.

Help Every Student Build a Strong Foundation for Success

Give your students an effective, equitable, powerful early learning experience.