My Reading Academy is an adaptive, supplemental solution that develops fluent readers through direct instructional videos, guided practice activities, and rich digital texts grounded in the Science of Reading.
Select a grade level to explore sample activities.

Video Length: 1:49
Set a Reading Purpose
Read along with Miracle and Nano as they follow Frankie’s adventure to make the perfect lily pad. Students will use listening comprehension and practice prediction skills.
Phonemic Awareness
Oh no, Froggy is hungry and needs fed! In this game, students strengthen their phonemic awareness by practicing alliteration tasks and identify the object with the repeated sound.
Non-fiction Read Aloud
Green sea turtles are amazing animals. Students explore concepts of print, learn new science vocabulary words and discover fascinating facts about the habitat and diet of a green sea turtle.
Letter Formation
Let’s race! In this game, students trace letters and develop fine motor skills while also recognizing the physical characteristics that distinguish each letter.
In this direct instruction video, Miracle and Nano learn how to sound out CVC words with help from the Blurts (digital manipulatives). Immediately afterwards, students will have the opportunity to practice blending by feeding our hungry Sound Hound!
Read Aloud with Nano
Students listen as Nano reads the story Min and Pop. As Nano reads the highlighted words, students echo read each page, using the sliding arrow to guide their reading and reinforce directionality.
High Frequency Words
Let’s ride a carousel! Students identify high-frequency words by understanding the “tricky” parts of each word. This leads to recognizing patterns and exceptions, improving word recognition and reading fluency.
Increasing Comprehension
Read along with Miracle as she discovers the four stages of the butterfly’s life cycle. This beautiful book with real-life photography reinforces listening skills, comprehension and introduces new science vocabulary.
Letter Combinations
In this direct instruction video, Nano explores how letter combinations create new sounds. Students strengthen their phonemic awareness and phonics skills by learning the -ar and -or patterns.
Phonemic Awareness
In this direct instruction video, Nano tries the Sound It Out Cheer to read words ending with –Yy, such as my, try, and butterfly. During the modeled teaching activity, students will drag words ending in -Yy to the right sound box.
Presto Change-o! In this learning game, students select a word part from the magic hat and see how the definition changes, understanding prefixes and how they can impact a word’s meaning.
Make Inferences
Miracle reads fascinating non-fiction books about the characteristics of the rainforest. Students learn new science vocabulary words, strengthen their comprehension skills and discover amazing facts.
Super Syllable Strategies
Students learn the syllable strategy to read long, tricky words. In the teaching activity that follows, students apply the strategy to break apart words, like kerfuffle, to make them easier to read.
Prefixes and Suffixes
Get our your skateboard and let’s go for a ride! After receiving explicit instruction from our teen mentors, students match common prefixes and suffixes to their meanings, which helps reinforce word analysis skills.
Elements of Fiction
In the folktale Monster on the Mountain, a young boy discovers that his villagers’ gifts intended for a mythical monster are actually benefiting the local wildlife. After reading, students practice identifying theme using supporting details.
Science Vocabulary
Explore science vocabulary with our program hosts and view real-life examples of how these action words occur in our everyday life.
Catching Air
Skateboarding isn’t just fun–it’s science in action. Explore this high-interest, non-fiction article that explores the cool skateboarding tricks that seem to defy gravity.
Word Association
In this sorting game, students reinforce their understanding by matching words with examples and nonexamples, deepening their vocabulary comprehension and application.
Explore science vocabulary words force and motion with our program hosts and view real-life examples of these action words in our everyday life.
Word Reading Strategies
In this interactive game, students decode multisyllabic words using roots, prefixes, suffixes, and phonemes, strengthening word recognition and comprehension.
Text Evidence
Realistic fiction can come in many genres. This comic book format tells the important story of young Simon Grigg, who undertakes a mission to deliver a secret message during the American Revolution.