Sample My Reading Academy‘s Español  authentic, culturally relevant Spanish literacy program designed  to help accelerate Spanish reading fluency.

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Video Length: 1:49

Letter Tracing

This direct instruction video shows students how to trace uppercase and lowercase A while connecting it to a word. By pairing movement with meaning, students strengthen letter recognition, fine motor, and early literacy skills.

Alphabet Knowledge

In the learning game Trazoo, students apply what they’ve learned and trace uppercase and lowercase A. By watching the direct instruction video first, students become more confident in practicing letter formation and alphabet knowledge.

Phonological Awareness

Watch as our host Isabela sings the beloved nursery rhyme “Tres Pececitos,” inviting students to listen, sing along, and build early language skills through rhyme, rhythm, and repetition.

Authentic Read-Aloud

Host Isabela reads a lively story about community helpers, building background knowledge in social studies and helping students connect to real-world roles.

Authentic Read-Aloud

In this teaching video, Isabela teaches Robi to blend phonemes by combining a consonant and a vowel to form a syllable. which helps students connect sounds to letters and builds towards fluency and comprehension.”

Decoding CV Patterns

The cat needs your help crossing the bridge! In this fun learning game “Gatosilabico”, students hear a syllable and identify the consonant and vowel, decoding CV patterns.

Decoding Complex Syllables

In the learning game “Atrapalabras,” students identify words with complex syllables like -que and –qui, which helps strengthen phonics, decoding skills, and word recognition.

Inflectional Endings

Lights, camera, action! Make sure our superstar cat is ready for his closeup. Students add common inflectional endings to base words, strengthening vocabulary, morphological awareness, and comprehension.

Identifying Dipthongs

In this engaging learning game “Cosechalabras”, students sort words by diphthongs, reinforcing phonics and pronunciation through sound-spelling connections.

Prefixes and Suffixes

In this video, Sergio helps Robi explore affixes and how they change word meaning. With clear examples and engaging interactions, students build vocabulary, decoding skills, and comprehension.

Identifying Prefixes in Words

In the fun game “Temporingos,” students will roll a ball to the correct root word.  This activity helps students differentiate prefixes from the root word, which enhances vocabulary skills and aids in comprehension.

Identifying Suffixes in Sentences

In this interactive activity “Buscamole,” students identify words with suffixes in a sentence, which will help increase their ability to infer meaning from context.