Sample My Reading Academy‘s Español authentic, culturally relevant Spanish literacy program designed to help accelerate Spanish reading fluency.
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Video Length: 1:49
Beginning Sounds
This Learning Activity “Atrapalabra” asks students to listen to the beginning sound, then drag the basket to catch the correct words. This lays the foundation for reading and spelling by helping children understand the relationship between sounds and letters.
Vowels and Consonants
In the game “Cangrebucket,” students will identify each letter as a vowel or consonant, and then drag and drop the appropriate label. This game helps students demonstrate one-to-one letter sounds and associating the sounds with common graphemes for the five major vowels.
In the Learning Activity “Temporingos,” students will roll a ball to the correct root word. This activity helps students differentiate prefixes from the root word, which enhances vocabulary skills and aids in comprehension.
Blending and Segmenting
In “Gatarazzi,” students are substituting syllables to create new words, so our Gatarazzi can walk the catwalk! This activity helps students develop precise phonemic manipulation skills, which can improve their ability to read more complex texts with confidence.