Age of Learning’s First Staff Volunteer Day Helps Transform Local Elementary School

Age of Learning staff and their families recently spent the day volunteering at Western Avenue Elementary School, a Title I school that serves low-income families in South Los Angeles. Our goal was to be a supportive partner in their effort to make their campus a more comfortable, joyous, and inspiring place for teachers and students […]

Age of Learning Talks Machine Learning and Education at Glendale Tech Week 2017

The Glendale Central Library was anything but quiet during the “Machine Learning and How It Relates to Education” panel at the second annual Glendale Tech Week, a city-sponsored event that brings together top talent from tech companies in and around Glendale. The discussion, moderated by our SVP of Strategy Sunil Gunderia, provided a fascinating look at how […]

Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto Carvalho Calls for 3rd Grade Readiness ‘Moon Shot’ at Age of Learning – AASA Event

At the inaugural American Association of School Administrators (AASA) Early Childhood Learning Summit in Miami, Florida, a roomful of superintendents from around the country listened intently as Alberto M. Carvalho answered a critical question about the future of American education—what “moon shot” should a new president challenge the nation to achieve? Mr. Carvalho’s answer: Within […]

A Partnership to Help Prevent the Summer Slide

Age of Learning was pleased to participate in the Families In Schools Passport to Success Day this past Saturday in downtown Los Angeles. The event featured California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, who spoke about the important work that Families In Schools is doing. Families In Schools (FIS) is the leading organization working in Los Angeles and […]