Kindergarten Readiness: Academic Indicators

Starting kindergarten is a big step in a child’s life, and when it comes to kindergarten readiness, there are many things that parents can do to help. The list below includes some of the early academic indicators of kindergarten readiness. It’s by no means comprehensive, but it will provide you with an understanding of what […]
Learning Through Water Play

Water fascinates young children. Whether the water is in small or large quantities, it’s always important to think about safety when water is involved and to be sure that young children are properly supervised. With this in mind, let’s talk about water play! A small bin full of water placed on a table can provide […]
Learning to Count and Counting on Learning

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … One of first learning experiences that you can provide for your young child is counting. However, counting is really a complex experience and an important building block for understanding the concepts of numbers and mathematics. Usually, the first counting-related skill that children learn is the ability to recite the […]
You’re Suddenly a Homeschooler! How To Keep Your Preschooler or Kindergartener Learning.

Is your child’s school closed due to the coronavirus outbreak? Do you suddenly find yourself an accidental homeschooler and don’t know where to begin? Setting up an at-home learning environment is easier than you may think. I’m writing this on behalf of the Curriculum Team at Age of Learning, the creators of ABCmouse. We’re a […]