The Science of Reading, en Español

Follow Age of Learning! The Science of Reading is a body of research outlining the major factors involved in learning to read, and evidence-based practices for helping students do so. But if you clicked on this article, I am guessing you already know that. What you may be less familiar with is that the Science […]
Age of Learning Foundation Offers Families in Costa Rica Free Program to Help All Children Learn English

Ministry of Public Education (MEP) in Costa Rica endorses the ABCmouse Aprende Ingles program for English language instruction throughout the country. Families can download the free app and start learning English today. Starting today, all Costa Rican families will enjoy free access to ABCmouse Aprende Inglés, a comprehensive digital English language learning program for children ages 3 – 11. Available on computers, tablets, and smartphones, ABCmouse Aprende Inglés was created by Age of […]
Introducing New ABCmouse Spanish Activities

Leer en español… We are delighted to share that® Early Learning Academy now includes more than 800 Learning Activities in Spanish, in addition to offering Spanish-language user navigation for children and parents. These Learning Activities include books, puzzles, and art activities in math, science, social studies, and art. “There is a real need for high-quality digital […]
¡Actividades en español de ABCmouse!

Read in English… Estamos muy contentos de compartir que ahora La Academia del Aprendizaje Temprano de®, además de ofrecer una interfaz amigable para la navegación del sitio para niños y padres, incluye más de 800 actividades de aprendizaje en español. Estas actividades incluyen libros, rompecabezas, y actividades artísticas en matemáticas, ciencias, estudios sociales y arte. “Existe […]