Back-to-School 2018: ABCmouse Ambassador Program for Teachers

This summer, we’re launching the ABCmouse Ambassador program for experienced ABCmouse teachers who want to share their expertise with other educators. If you’re one of the many passionate educators already making an impact with ABCmouse, become an Ambassador today! As an ABCmouse Ambassador, you’ll get access to exclusive resources, previews of new features, opportunities for […]
Back-to-School 2018: Digital Library Experience

ABCmouse is adding a new digital library experience to ABCmouse for Teachers and ABCmouse for Schools in time for the 2018-2019 school year! The new library will have thousands of books—hundreds at each grade level from preschool through 2nd grade—including award-winning titles from acclaimed authors and publishers. Reading-level indicators help teachers find and assign books by Lexile® measure and Guided […]
After Record Year, ABCmouse for Teachers and ABCmouse for Schools Add Major New Features for the 2018 – 2019 School Year

As part of our commitment to help children everywhere build a strong foundation for academic success, we offer ABCmouse at no cost to teachers for use in their classrooms. For schools and districts, ABCmouse for Schools adds full home access for students, custom curriculum alignment, performance reporting, professional development, and more. Over the past school year, more than 145,000 […]
Age of Learning’s First Staff Volunteer Day Helps Transform Local Elementary School

Age of Learning staff and their families recently spent the day volunteering at Western Avenue Elementary School, a Title I school that serves low-income families in South Los Angeles. Our goal was to be a supportive partner in their effort to make their campus a more comfortable, joyous, and inspiring place for teachers and students […]
Introducing New ABCmouse Spanish Activities

Leer en español… We are delighted to share that® Early Learning Academy now includes more than 800 Learning Activities in Spanish, in addition to offering Spanish-language user navigation for children and parents. These Learning Activities include books, puzzles, and art activities in math, science, social studies, and art. “There is a real need for high-quality digital […]
¡Actividades en español de ABCmouse!

Read in English… Estamos muy contentos de compartir que ahora La Academia del Aprendizaje Temprano de®, además de ofrecer una interfaz amigable para la navegación del sitio para niños y padres, incluye más de 800 actividades de aprendizaje en español. Estas actividades incluyen libros, rompecabezas, y actividades artísticas en matemáticas, ciencias, estudios sociales y arte. “Existe […] Case Study: Using Early Learning Technology to Prepare Head Start Families for Kindergarten

Children that have access to high-quality early education learning experiences have been shown to be better prepared for kindergarten and subsequently more successful in school. As part of our ongoing efforts to support such experiences for young children, Age of Learning partnered with the Albina Head Start program in Portland, Oregon, which provides educational services […]
Age of Learning Celebrates 50 Years of Head Start

Age of Learning and Head Start share a commitment to helping every child learn, regardless of their family’s financial circumstances. That’s why we have been a consistent supporter of Head Start, offering free access to our complete, award-winning curriculum for all Head Start programs, and serving thousands of Head Start classrooms to date. Age of Learning […]
1 Billion and Counting

I am delighted to share my thoughts about a major milestone that we recently celebrated at Age of Learning, when a five-year-old boy in Tennessee completed a mathematics learning activity on called Ring It Up. Why is that worth noting? Because it was the 1,000,000,000th learning activity completed on Yes, that’s one billion with a b. That’s a big […] Case Study: An Effective Digital Learning Resource Can Significantly Improve Motivation, Engagement, and Self-Confidence

This case study focuses on two families with children at different stages of development. After finding numerous education websites and apps ineffective, both families turned to because of its comprehensive academic curriculum and found the outcomes they had been seeking. Both families discovered that the benefits of using transcended academics and contributed to […]